Common UNIX Printing System 1.3b1

Michael Sweet mike at
Fri Jul 13 17:35:23 PDT 2007

The first beta release of CUPS 1.3 is now available for download from:

As per the CUPS Configuration Management Plan, we now start our two week "soak" of each beta release. Once we are happy with the quality, we'll move on to another period of release candidates. If you experience problems with this beta, please post your issues to the cups.general forum or mailing list. Confirmed bug reports should be posted to the Bugs & Features page.

CUPS 1.3 adds Kerberos and mDNS (Bonjour) support along with over 30 new features. Changes include:

	- Copyright updates - CUPS is now owned by Apple Inc.
	- Documentation updates (STR #1775, STR #2027, STR #2130,
	  STR #2131, STR #2263, STR #2356, STR #2397)
	- Added new cupsfilter utility (STR #1734)
	- Added new job-printer-state-message and
	  job-printer-state-reasons attributes to jobs (STR #2418)
	- Added LDAP+SSL support (STR #1967)
	- CUPS now supports authentication via peer credentials
	  over domain sockets (STR #2242, STR #2277)
	- The CUPS sample driver PPDs are now generated by the PPD
	  compiler and include all of the localized languages by
	  default (STR #2164)
	- You can now specify "AuthType Default" in the cupsd.conf
	  file to use the default authentication defined by the
	  DefaultAuthType directive.
	- The SNMP backend no longer adds a default Address line
	  when none is specified in the snmp.conf file; this allows
	  the backend to be easily disabled as needed (STR #2434)
	- Added a new cupsctl command for doing basic changes to
	  the cupsd.conf file (STR #1777)
	- Added a new ppdLocalizeIPPReason() function to get the
	  localized text/URI for a given IPP reason keyword for a
	- Removed the deskjet2.ppd driver, as it only worked with
	  a very small subset of HP DeskJet printers and was
	  confusing to users.  The rastertohp driver still
	  supports the deskjet2.ppd options for existing queues.
	- The scheduler did not add a trailing banner page if a
	  client did not specify the last document in a job (STR
	- The scheduler did not report Bonjour shared printers as
	  remote printers (STR #2384)
	- Added new -R and -W options to the cupstestppd program
	  for greater control over the testing of PPDs.
	- Added a new cupsGetServerPPD() function for getting
	  an available PPD from the server (STR #2334)
	- Added a new cupsDoIORequest() function for reading
	  and writing files via IPP requests (STR #2334)
	- Added a new CUPS_GET_PPD operation for getting an
	  available PPD file on the server (STR #2334) 
	- CUPS_GET_PPDS now reports multiple ppd-product values
	  based on the PPD ModelName and Product strings (STR
	  #2334, STR #2383)
	- CUPS_GET_PPDS now reports the PSVersion attributes
	  from a PPD file in the ppd-psversion attribute
	  (STR #2334)
	- CUPS_GET_PPDS now reports the cupsModelNumber attribute
	  from a PPD file in the ppd-model-number attribute (STR
	- CUPS_GET_PPDS now reports a driver type string in the
	  ppd-type attribute based on the cupsFax and cupsFilter
	  attributes in a PPD file (STR #2383)
	- Added a new printer attribute called "cups-version"
	  which reports the version of CUPS that is running
	  (STR #2240)
	- backendRunLoop() now aborts immediately on SIGTERM
	  if no data has been written yet (STR #2103)
	- Due to poor IPP support from the vendors, the SNMP
	  backend no longer tries IPP connections; instead,
	  it now uses a lookup file with fallback to port 9100
	  (socket://address) and 515 (lpd://address) printing
	  (STR #2035, STR #2354) 
	- The scheduler now recreates the CUPS log directory as
	  needed (STR #2353)
	- cupsLangDefault() now maps new-style Apple locale names
	  to the traditional ll_CC form (STR #2357)
        - Add new cupsArrayNew2() API to support hashed lookups
          of array elements (STR #2358)
        - ppdConflicts() optimizations (STR #2358)
	- The cupstestppd program now tests for existing filters,
	  icons, profiles, and dialog extensions (STR #2326)
	- The web interface no longer lists new printers on the
	  main administration page.  Instead, a new "List Available
	  Printers" button is provided that shows a separate page
	  with the list of printers.
	- The web interface now supports setting the banner and
	  policy options on raw printers and classes (STR #2238)
	- The socket backend now reads any pending back-channel
	  data before shutting down the socket (STR #2325)
	- Added a new ErrorPolicy directive in the cupsd.conf
	  file (STR #1871)
	- Printers that use JCL options are now exported to Samba
	  correctly (STR #1985)
	- The IPP backend now relays printer-state-message values
	  from the server to the client (STR #2109)
	- Added support for the PWG printer-alert and
	  printer-alert-description attributes (STR #2088)
	- Added support for LPD "stream" mode (STR #2036)
	- The scheduler now reports the PostScript product string
	  from PPD files in CUPS-Get-PPDs responses (STR #1900)
	- Raw printing with queues pointing to the file pseudo-
	  device and multiple files and/or banners now works (STR
	- Added new public cupsAdminGetServerSettings() and
	  cupsAdminSetServerSettings() APIs.
	- Added new "makebuttons" script in the "tools" directory
	  for creating web interface buttons (STR #2231)
	- Added support for DNS-SD (aka "Bonjour") printer sharing
	  (STR #1171)
	- Job operations (cancel, hold, release, etc.) from the
	  web interface now return back to the original page (STR
	- The classes or printers list is now shown after a
	  successful deletion from the web interface (STR #1999)
	- The default configuration now allows browse packets from
	  any address (STR #2008)
	- The web interface now provides an "allow printing from the
	  Internet" check box (STR #1897)
	- The notify-events-default and
	  notify-lease-duration-default attributes can now be set
	  (STR #1671)
	- Server-side default options are now sent to clients when
	  the "printer-defaults" attribute group is requested (STR
	- Added support for Linux "relro" linker option (STR #1614)
	- CUPS now validates the number-up option value (STR #1329)
	- The on-line help now provides better search capabilities
	  (STR #1701)
	- The web interface "Add This Printer" button now allows you
	  to change the printer name, description,  and location
	  (STR #1646)
	- Added support for Mac OS X authorization services
	  (STR #2206)
	- Added support for driver-specific pre-filters (STR #2108)
	- Added a new side-channel API for drivers and backends
	  for basic device control and information queries (STR
	- The scheduler now uses poll(), epoll(), or /dev/kqueue
	  instead of select() when possible (STR #1261)
	- Added new cupsArrayGetIndex() and cupsArrayGetInsert()
	  functions to get the current index and insertion
	  positions of an array.
	- Added a new --with-max-copies configure option (STR
	- Added new cupsRemoveDest() and cupsSetDefaultDest()
	- Added support for cupsPJLCharset attribute in PPD files
	  which specifies the character set that is used in PJL
	  strings (STR #1969)
	- Moved the definition of the (private) _http_s structure
	  to http-private.h; code that directly accesses the
	  http_t members will no longer compile!
	- Added support for setting the document-format-default
	  attribute on a per-printer basis.
	- Added support for IntelliBar label printers.


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