Size of button images

riopedre.tiscali riopedre at
Thu Jul 19 12:54:26 PDT 2007

I'm working in Spanish translation of CUPS (version 1.3b1).

I had tested new script to generate 'automagically' buttons images few months ago and I want to use it for the new version now. But I have seen that the size of the files generated by this script has grown a lot. I have compared original buttons (in English) with new buttons generated by this script. Here we have a few examples:

button-accept-jobs.gif             527 bytes (original) 1332 bytes (new)
button-add-class.gif               484 bytes             838 bytes
button-view-printable-version.gif  743 bytes            1592 bytes
All the files (55)                66.7 KBytes           31.0 KBytes

I have seen that original images have 32 colors palette and new images have 256.

Is this feature intentional?
I think that with new files, the load of web pages could be slower than with smaller files but I don't know if this is relevant.

I have tried to change this script (adding '-colors 32' option in 'convert' command) but the result is far to be right. I have a very poor knowledge of ImageMagick program. Perhaps Philippe Combes or Mike can do  something with this matter.

Best regards

Juan Pablo González

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