landscape printing in Mac OS X

Michael Sweet mike at
Wed Mar 21 13:20:22 PDT 2007

Harold R. Grove wrote:
> I have tried to use debian stable (alpha and i386), debian testing, and fedora core 6 as a CUPS print server in a small school (serving ~50 networked printers), and none of my OS X clients seem to be able to print in landscape mode correctly.  The cups server versions are 1.1.23, 1.2.4, and 1.2.7. In OS X, a landscaped job will come out in portrait mode, but rotated again.  iphoto 5.0.4 is the only app that I've come across that will print in landscape mode. Windows and all flavors of linux work fine. Any help is greatly appreciated !

This is an issue with the non-standard PDF filter used on Debian; I
don't know if Fedora uses the pdftops that comes with the standard
CUPS distribution or not.

CUPS 1.2.8 includes a fix specifically addressing landscape printing
from OS X clients; again, you need to use the pdftops that comes with
CUPS (and not the script wrapper around the Xpdf pdftops program) to
get the proper output...

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software

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