scheduler not responding!

Dallas Warren dbw at
Tue Mar 27 18:29:41 PDT 2007


> Look for /etc/cups/client.conf, ~/.cupsrc, and ~/.cups/client.conf
> files - they may be pointing to the wrong hostname/IP.  Normally
> you don't need those files to be present.

None of those file are present.

> Also check for the CUPS_SERVER and IPP_PORT environment variables.
> Those will override the default server as well.

IPP_PORT is not defined.  CUPS_SERVER is defined, and not to the one that it should be (localhost or the server name), it is another server on the network.  There in might lay the issue.  Interesting or not, the server that CUPS_SERVER is set to is the last server listed in the /etc/hosts file.

I then did the below, tried to print file using lp and vola it worked :-)
   setenv CUPS_SERVER localhost

Now, the question is, where is that being set to that other server?  Where is CUPS configured to be picking that other server up?  I can I suppose over ride it in my .cshrc file, but far better to fix it at the source.

> Finally, make sure that your /etc/hosts file contains an entry for
> localhost that points to (and only that address).

First line of that file has as below, so that appears to be fine.  As noted above, the last server listed in the hosts file is the one that CUPS_SERVER is set to.       localhost.localdomain   localhost

Thanks for the assistance, much appreciated.  Can at least now print from my linux computer now, yay :-)

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