delete old print jobs

angelb angelb at
Thu May 17 11:45:54 PDT 2007

> Is there an easy way to delete print jobs older than a certain date?   I started going down the path of  using lpstat -o |grep -v <date> but ideally I want to delete all jobs older than X days.  We tend to get jobs that sit out there for weeks or longer.  Thanks for any help you can offer.
> --
> Amy Tanner
> amy.tanner at

I had a simillar problem and so I wrote a small script to do the job
for me. Setup the script in cron and all good to go. Remember to have
some kind of logrotate going on...the historical file, qremove_log,
does get large after awhile. Or, if you don't care about the log file,
take it out of the script. Your PATH and logpath will vary... :)

# Check for print jobs 14-days or older and remove them
alias cancel='$cupspath/cancel'

if [[ -d $logpath ]]
   # find old jobs and save images
   find $logpath/c* -mtime +14 -ls |tee -a /var/log/cups/qremove_log /tmp/qremove.out 2>&1 1>/dev/null

   # remove old jobs
   awk '{print $11}' /tmp/qremove.out |awk -F"/" '{print $7}'|cut -c2-10 | xargs -i cancel {} 2>&1 1>/dev/null

   print "Error: Spool directory for CUPS does not exist.\n"
   exit 1

# cleanup
rm /tmp/qremove.out

# eof

btw, the [code] and [/code] is there only to show where the script
starts and ends... :)

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