print error , 3 Permission denied

Bernd Krumböck b.krumboeck at
Mon Oct 8 03:41:05 PDT 2007

Ghostscript (gs) is necessary for some kind of printers.

In short: Your situation is now crappier than it was.

How should anyone be able to help you, when you mess up your operating system without documenting the changes?

Please try to restore the permissions of /usr, /bin, /sbin, ...

After that we can try again to fix your initial problem.


> ...Now the permisson denied is OK. I change some other directory's permisson like /usr /bi /sbin .... I'm not quite sure which is the root cause now.  But now there is some other error as below.
> It seems like when run "gs" something wrong.  Is the gs command is nessesary?  thanks

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