[cups.general] Error about Ghostscript

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at wpkg.org
Mon Oct 15 07:34:38 PDT 2007

chris schrieb:


>>> But if I first run texttops generate a ps file, and then use gs to generate pcl file, then use lp to print this pcl file. I can get the printed file.
>>> D [15/Oct/2007:20:48:35 +0000] [Job 2] renderer command: gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -sDeviceManufacturer="HEWLETT-PACKARD" -sDeviceModel="deskjet 3600" -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792 -r300 -sIjsParams=Quality:Quality=0,Quality:ColorMode=2,Quality:MediaType=0,Quality:PenSet=1 -dIjsUseOutputFD -sOutputFile=- -
>>> D [15/Oct/2007:20:48:39 +0000] [Job 2] foomatic-gswrapper: gs '-sstdout=%stderr' '-dBATCH' '-dPARANOIDSAFER' '-dQUIET' '-dNOPAUSE' '-sDEVICE=ijs' '-sIjsServer=hpijs' '-sDeviceManufacturer=HEWLETT-PACKARD' '-sDeviceModel=deskjet 3600' '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=612' '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=792' '-r300' '-sIjsParams=Quality:Quality=0,Quality:ColorMode=2,Quality:MediaType=0,Quality:PenSet=1' '-dIjsUseOutputFD' '-sOutputFile=%stdout' '-'
>>> D [15/Oct/2007:20:48:40 +0000] [Job 2]
>>> D [15/Oct/2007:20:48:40 +0000] [Job 2] Closing renderer
>>> D [15/Oct/2007:20:48:41 +0000] [Job 2] unable to create Job object err=3
>>> D [15/Oct/2007:20:48:41 +0000] [Job 2] Segmentation fault
>> Ouch - something dies here rather badly.
>> Can you run all that commands in a pipe successfully?
>> texttops ... | gs ... | lp ...
>> --
>> Tomasz Chmielewski
>> http://wpkg.org
> Now I texttops ... generate a ps file
> and run gs ... -sOutputFile=xxx.pcl xxx.ps
> and lp -o raw xxx.pcl
> How run all that in a pipe?
> texttops ...  | gs -sOutputFile=xxx.pcl  ?    this mybe wrong

Instead of outputting to a file, you have to make output to stdout.
Look into your CUPS' log output, it contains detailed parameters.

Tomasz Chmielewski

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