Large cups systems?

Seth Galitzer sgsax at
Wed Oct 17 06:29:53 PDT 2007

Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> Seth Galitzer wrote:
>>> 7 print jobs from last night are too little data to base final conclu-
>>> sions on.
>> Agreed, but I've only had one any more errors today, other than than the
>> ones I've generated by reprinting the "bad" jobs.  That job I'm still
>> analyzing, but it's a 40MB (wow) pdf file. 
> How many pages? Embedded pictures with high resolutions?

For these jobs, files are ranging anywhere from 3 to 20 pages.  One of
them used a Japanese font.  The one that I was able to print later in
the day from the original document was an excerpt from a journal, mostly
text with a few simple B&W figures.  I haven't examined the others yet.
 I'll post an update here in a bit.

> What happens if you use Acrobat to "Save As..." under a different name?
> Does it then shrink considerably in size?
>> Knowing the user who
>> generated it, they're printing from a Mac OSX client.  The header on the
>> spool file does not indicate the application it was printed from.  I've
>> restarted the job so I can tail the error_log, and it still hasn't died
>> yet.  Here's the output from ps aux:
>> lp       26063  0.2  0.0   3204  1180 ?        S    16:59   0:00
>> n232-hp4600 2282 userfoo smbprn.00000234 grn.pdf 1
>> job-uuid=urn:uuid:2add51a9-f8b6-3aba-42c9-33cfbdc3a12b
>> /var/spool/cups/d02282-001
> A job title starting with "smbprn.000" is an indication for the job
> having arrived via Samba, not Mac OS X. Mac OS X would talk CUPS-to-
> CUPS and IPP, no?

In our case, setting up the printer via samba on Mac clients seems to
work the best.  It's the easiest for the user to do, anyway.  Otherwise,
they have to do a bit of manual setup on the local (to their machine)
cups server.  And if it takes more than two steps, it's too much for
them to deal with.


>> The options there look pretty much like others I've been seeing.  I'll
>> do a concrete comparison later.  grepping for "argv[5]" has only been
>> returning results like
>> "job-uuid=urn:uuid:2add51a9-f8b6-3aba-42c9-33cfbdc3a12b"
> OK, this means CUPS doesn't see any specific job options. The job-uuid
> is a recent addition to CUPS; the universally uniq job ID is automatically
> tagged to the job by CUPS to be able to track jobs that touch different
> CUPS servers (where traditionally the job-id is a simple counter, that can
> easily lead to same job-ids for neighbouring CUPS servers [or clients with
> their own spooler process] where jobs are in fact different ones).
> This makes re-producing your problem a bit easier, because you do not need
> to take them into account.

Reproducing problems easily is good.

> The only other variant may be the specific settings in the Acrobat print
> dialog your users may have used.
I'll keep playing with this, see if I can find anything out there.

Thanks again.

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