remote shared printers stopped working in 1.3.2

Alexander Bürger buerger at
Thu Oct 18 02:52:27 PDT 2007


our printing system stopped working after an upgrade to cups 1.3.2 
(Linux debian unstable) -- before it was working nicely.

We have a institute-wide print server (name "printserver") sending 
browsing information. Our working group has some local printers which 
should be accessible (and, if possible, visible) only to those who have 
keys to the respective rooms, otherwise we get lots of junk printed by 
people choosing a random printer. All client.conf point to this 
"groupserver", which polls the servers running on the computers the 
printers are connected to. "groupserver" also has a local PDF printer.

groupserver cupsd.conf (excerpt):

Browsing On
BrowsePoll printer_room1
BrowsePoll printer_room2
BrowseAllow printserver

<Location />
    Allow From group_computer1
    Allow From group_computer2
    Allow From groupserver

printer_room1/2 cupsd.conf:

Browsing On
BrowseAllow groupserver

<Location />
    Allow From group_computer1
    Allow From group_computer2
    Allow From groupserver

all client.conf:
ServerName groupserver

Before the update, things worked almost perfectly.
After the update:

* all printers work for users logged in on groupserver,
* groupserver's PDF printer works for all workstations of the group
* all other printers do not work from any workstation (except 
groupserver) with the message "The printer or class is not shared!"

I do not really have a good idea what is wrong with the setup (which was 
previously working). I fear that the setup was kind of switched off in 
1.3.0rc1 where the changelog says:

         - The scheduler did not prevent remote queues from being

What could I do to be able to print again?

Thanks for your help,


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