Lpd service printing from Unix to Fedora 6

Stefano Brizzante stefano at generazione2000.com
Mon Oct 22 07:03:01 PDT 2007


so, this my situation:

I need to receive the file print order from Unix like:
where y it's the queue name

The printer it's installed in Fedora 6 with cups-lpd running
The printer it's Generic Type (text only)
The printer name it's printer01

this my question:

1) How to associate the queue to printer01?
2) Can to remain the connection in Unix in the original format or I need to change something?

This question it's because I'm not able to receive the queue from Unix. The file generated from Unix remain there. I have tried to change the printer name like Unix queue (y) but also don't work.

I read in Internet guide (like Red Hat) that the queue it's configurable through  the printconf command, but this command it's not more available from Fedora 5.

Thanks for all suggestions.

Stefano B.

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