Retrieve string value from attributes

Cherif YAYA yayachrif at
Wed Aug 27 07:51:41 PDT 2008

After a call to cupsDoRequest(), one can retrieve response attributes from the response ipp_t object.
For instance to retrieve all integers :

ipp_t* resp = cupsDoRequest(...)
ipp_attribute_t* attr;
for(attr = resp->attrs;attr;attr = attr->next){
   if(attr->value_tag == IPP_TAG_INTEGER)
     int i = attr->value[0].integer;

But the ipp_value_u doesn't have a field for char values. (as far as I can tell).
So, can we retrieve the value when the attribute is string valued one (IPP_TAG_STRING,IPP_TAG_URI...)?

Thanks for your help.

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