Report prints truncated. Found solution.

Savan savanchung at
Sun Dec 7 11:39:07 PST 2008

I found a way to set default the margins using 'lpoptions' with page-left and page-right options. Thank you.


> I am new with CUPS. I install CUPS on Solaris 10 and it installed fine. I have added many printers to CUPS with correct .ppd drivers without any problems. The problem is every printers print truncated on the left and right sides and the print letter characters are big. The report won't fit on one letter size page.
> Here is an example of my work:
> Add printer:
> lpadmin -p hp5500prt02 -v socket:// -m HP-Color_LaserJet_5500-Postscript.ppd -E
> (Driver: HP-Color_LaserJet_5500-hpijs.ppd does not work. It added printer fine but won't print)
> Print report:
> lp -d hp5500prt02 filename
> (Report won't fit in a letter size page. It truncated left and right sides and the print letter characters are big.)
> Please help! Thank you.

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