Is ~/.cups/client.conf reloaded when it is changed?

Michael Sweet mike at
Sat Dec 27 21:10:45 PST 2008

karl runge wrote:
> Hello,
> If ~/.cups/client.conf is modified by the user, e.g.
> to point to a different server/port, is it ever reread
> by existing libcups clients?

No, once a libcups client gets the port and server (typically
when getting the list of printers), libcups never reads the
client.conf file again.  Similarly, if the CUPS_SERVER environment
variable is set, then we don't bother reading client.conf...

Re-reading every time would be bad for performance, and tracking
changes to both /etc/cups/client.conf and ~/.cups/client.conf isn't
particularly appealing, either...

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com

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