Mac 10.5 server and multiple subnets

Michael Sweet mike at
Sun Feb 10 20:30:00 PST 2008

Erich Wetzel wrote:
> ...
> Manually editing the cupsd.conf file on the server seems to be
> impossible as it is perpetually being changed and edits are lost when
> the service is turned on and off.

Toggling printer sharing *will* affect the browse and allow settings.
(that's kind of the point...)

> Can anyone advise, now that Apple owns CUPS, how to allow my other
> two subnets to BrowsePoll our server for its printers?

The simplest way is to change the "Allow from @LOCAL" lines to be
"Allow from all".  You can also use the web interface and check the
"Allow printing from the Internet", which does the same.  If you
don't want to open up that much, just add "Allow from" lines for
each subnet.

Once you make this change, *do not* toggle the printer sharing box,
or you'll have to make the changes all over again.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com

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