double free

angelb angelb at
Wed Feb 20 07:24:45 PST 2008

Hello all.

I left my 1.3.5 running well and alive late yesterday and found it
dead this morning with a "double free or corrupt" message:

I [19/Feb/2008:17:06:05 -0600] Printer "abtest1" modified by "zab3670".
I [19/Feb/2008:17:06:06 -0600] Started "/opt/TWWfsw/cups135/lib/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=2609)
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x08db5eb8 ***

I've since restarted the server in debug mode and hope to get a little
more, if it crashes again.

Otherwise, I was wondering if anyone else have seen this?


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