IPP Get-Printer-Attributes in 1.3

Jennifer Godinez jennifer.godinez at sun.com
Wed Feb 27 14:33:21 PST 2008

> No, can you provide sample code that demonstrates the problem?

This can be demonstrated with the use of ipptest in CUPS test source code with "get-printer-attributes.test" parameter.  The only difference is that our code bailed out when we encountered an IPP_TAG_NOVALUE so the list of attributes is shorter. So I guess the real issue here is encountering that type of value tag. In 1.3, this can be seen in the attribute orientation-requested-default which has IPP_TAG_NOVALUE. This  is kind of strange because orientation-requested-supported lists a set of values.  To further demonstrate, see the difference in versions.

orientation-requested-default (enum) = 3
orientation-requested-supported (1setOf enum) = 3 4 5 6

orientation-requested-default (novalue) = novalue
orientation-requested-supported (1setOf enum) = 3 4 5 6

This new behavior is causing problems in that we don't know how handle a "novalue" type. I also see that we are not the only ones affected by this.  See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+bug/140887


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