[cups.general] IPP Get-Printer-Attributes in 1.3

Michael R Sweet msweet at apple.com
Wed Feb 27 17:49:14 PST 2008

Jennifer Godinez wrote:
>> No, can you provide sample code that demonstrates the problem?
> This can be demonstrated with the use of ipptest in CUPS test source code with "get-printer-attributes.test" parameter.  The only difference is that our code bailed out when we encountered an IPP_TAG_NOVALUE so the list of attributes is shorter. So I guess the real issue here is encountering that type of value tag. In 1.3, this can be seen in the attribute orientation-requested-default which has IPP_TAG_NOVALUE. This  is kind of strange because orientation-requested-supported lists a set of values.  To further demonstrate, see the difference in versions.

OK, that's the problem - your IPP parser isn't handling the very
valid "noValue" value for orientation-requested-default.  This
just means that no default value has been set, so you are free to
choose one of your own.  If none is supplied, then the print filter
will choose an appropriate orientation for the document you are

The previous behavior of always having a default value was a bug in
CUPS that was only recently fixed.

Michael R Sweet                        Senior Printing System Engineer

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