Adding new printer hangs forever

bill green at
Sat Jan 5 15:10:15 PST 2008

I just built CUPS 1.3.5 on OpenBSD-sparc 4.2.
When I try to perform any function that POSTs data to the script,
admin.cgi gets caught in a loop in cgi_initialize_post()
at the following point:

  * Read the data into the buffer...

  for (tbytes = 0; tbytes < length; tbytes += nbytes)
    if ((nbytes = read(0, data + tbytes, length - tbytes)) < 0)
      if (errno != EAGAIN)
        return (0);

  data[length] = '\0';

but read does return EAGAIN and the program loops forever.  length is supposed to be 80 bytes, but it's not there at the read() call.  I
think there should be an else clause to reset nbytes from -1 to 0 so that you don't lose one from tbytes every time read() returns EAGAIN,
but I have no idea why there wouldn't be anything to read from stdin.
Does anyone have suggestions?

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