CLI font type and size options

angelb angelb at
Thu Jan 17 09:41:38 PST 2008

> Hello all.
> When sending a printjob using lpr, I noticed the characters' vertical
> size never changes regardless of cpi or lpi used. Every other options;
> ie, cpi or cpi, affects the font but the charaters' vertical size
> remains the same. Is this true to be the case?
> Secondly, how does one specify a font type from the command-line(if possible)? One way I was trying to change font type was changing the
> DefaultFont from the PPD file but that don't seem to have any effect.
> Any suggestion or idea is much appreciated.

When printing a report, lpr(CUPS) tend to page overflow because of the
characters' vertical size. For example, if I have a two page report,
lpr does the following:

Prints the banner(date and page) on the top line and then data on the
following lines. Since the rest can't fit one page, it prints the rest
on the second page(no banner). Then page two, it prints the banner on
the top line then the rest on the next page(no banner).

I believe this can be remedied with change character vertical size.

Is there anyway to change the vertical size and/or font type or option
with lpr?


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