Lots of copies of PPD files in /tmp

Lucas Levrel lucas.levrel at univ-paris12.fr
Fri Jul 11 03:17:28 PDT 2008


I'm working on a PC under openSuSE 10.3. My /tmp contains lots of files 
with random names like 4875ce08c0e3e, and I've just noticed they are mere 
copies of the PPD files for the printers I use. It seems there is one copy 
per "print" job; I put quotes because this includes "prints to file"
which do not appear in error_log (launched e.g. from Mozilla).

All this makes me wonder:
- why doesn't CUPS use the original PPD?
- why doesn't it remove these copies after use?

Sorry if my questions are trivial. I couldn't find any clue on the web nor 
did I find any occurence of tmp or TMPDIR in CUPS files on my system.  


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