How to read the values from UI control

Michael R Sweet msweet at
Wed Jul 16 09:56:50 PDT 2008

keens312 wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> In my Drv, wrote like this:
> // Setup tab
> Group InstallableOptions
>     Option "DuplexMode/Duplex Mode" PickOne AnySetup 10
>     *Choice "AutoDuplex/Auto Duplex" ""
>     Choise "ManualDuplex/Manual Duplex" ""
> The code above can add a combobox control to select duplex mode.
> The question is in filter, how can i read the value of DuplexMode?
> I have tried cupsGetOption("DuplexMode", _numOptions, _options), but does not work.

For installable options, load the PPD, mark the defaults, and look up
the marked choice.  The usual method in a filter is:

     main(int argc, char *argv[])
       int num_options;
       cups_options_t *options;
       ppd_file_t *ppd;
       ppd_choice_t *choice;

       * Load the PPD and options and mark them on the PPD structure.

       num_options = cupsParseOptions(argv[5], 0, &options);
       ppd         = ppdOpenFile(getenv("PPD"));

       cupsMarkOptions(ppd, num_options, options);

       * Get the DuplexMode installable option selection...

       choice = ppdFindChoice(ppd, "DuplexMode");
       if (choice && !strcmp(choice->choice, "AutoDuplex"))
         * Do AutoDuplex stuff...



Also, as a comment - the word "Duplex" is not recommended as UI
text on Mac OS X.  Use "2-sided printing", "automatic", and "manual"
since most users do not know what "duplex" means.

Michael R Sweet                        Senior Printing System Engineer

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