Printer sharing problem

Michael Sweet mike at
Sun Nov 9 06:34:00 PST 2008

Craig Fulton wrote:
> ...
> The permissions for the directory /private/var/spool/cups/cache/rss are incorrect!
> They are drwxrwxr-x, but should be drwxr-xr-x
> Repaired.
> The file /usr/share/cups/charsets/iso-8859-1 is missing!
> The file /usr/share/cups/charsets/iso-8859-2 is missing!
> ...
> The file /usr/share/cups/charsets/windows-1258 is missing!

The charsets files are not used on Mac OS X (which is why they have
been removed in later Mac OS X releases).  Similarly, the permission
change is necessary to support RSS subscriptions and was made in a
later software update.  Unfortunately, the "repair permissions" tool
in Disk Utility only uses the original installation information to
verify things...

That said, this is *not* a CUPS software issue on your Mac, so don't
try to install any CUPS files there.  Instead, look at the
/var/log/cups/access_log file (open the Console utility and click on
"Show Log Files") - you should see the Windows system accessing the
Mac when you add the printer.  If you don't, verify that the Vista
firewall is allowing the traffic to your Mac.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com

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