Printing to a kerberized SMB printer (Windows) - the missing link

Adrian Gschwend ktk at
Wed Oct 22 05:57:51 PDT 2008

Adrian Gschwend wrote:

> We could now do some nasty scripts to get that to work but I suppose
> there is a proper way to do that :-)

We got the script to work now, what we did is to add group read
permissions to the kerberos ticket for the lp user. But again, I don't
think this is a proper solution.

IMHO CUPS should fork the smbspool process into the user which requested
the print, get the kerberos ticket (I suppose there are some APIs
available for that as the forked process probably won't see the
KRB5CCNAME env variable) and print like this.

I think I'm not the only one which would like to print to kerberized
Windows printers so any feedback would be welcome. I have someone which
could do some coding in Cups but I would like to know if this is the way
to go.

any suggestions?



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