subscriptions.conf log spam

Don Badrak dbadrak at
Tue Sep 16 19:44:59 PDT 2008

> > # ./ipptest -v ipp://xx.xx.xx.xx s.cancel.1
> > "s.cancel.1":
> > Cancel-Subscription:
> >         attributes-charset (charset) = "utf-8"
> >         attributes-natural-language (language) = "en"
> >         printer-uri (uri) = "ipp://xx.xx.xx.xx"
> >         requesting-user-name (name) = "root"
> >         notify-subscription-id (integer) = 1
> >     s.cancel                                                     [FAIL]
> >         RECEIVED: 124 bytes in response
> >         BAD STATUS
> >         status-code = 0406 (notify-subscription-id 1 no good!)
> >         attributes-charset (charset) = "utf-8"
> >         attributes-natural-language (language) = "en"
> >         status-message (text) = "notify-subscription-id 1 no good!"
> >
> > It's odd.  Before trying this, I stopped cupsd, edited the subscriptions.conf and changed it to this:
> >
> > <Subscription 2>
> Then the subscription ID should be *2*, right?

Uh...  This is what happens when you do 48 things at once. :-)

Sorry.  I tried the ipptest with the cancel.  It didn't do anything.  I stopped cupsd, changed it to 2, restarted, and did the ipptest again.  The reason I still told it to remove 1 is because I was still getting the printer-state-changes, vs printer-stopped.

I'll try it once more using the existing ID number.  What else can I do with the subscriptions through this?  Can I modify them by adding or removing (or showing) the events?

I didn't think I should get these types of messages for just printer-stopped:

Subject: [cups-status] Printer: plotter-37 processing
Printer "plotter-37" state changed.

Subject: [cups-status] Printer: plotter-37 idle
Printer "plotter-37" state changed.

I did expect to get these:

Subject: [cups-status] Printer: plotter-39 stopped
Printer "plotter-39" state changed.

Is there no separation of these events?


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