HP 9050 Staple

Dave Greco david_greco at harte-hanks.com
Fri Sep 26 11:28:49 PDT 2008

I'm trying to get "uncollated" stapling working on an HP 9050. Print a 3 page document 4 times, stapling all page 1s together, page 2s together, page 3s together- i.e. 1,1,1,1(staple) 2,2,2,2(staple) 3,3,3,3(staple). I've got the number of copies working just fine, but can't get the staple to work. The HP PPD provides no options for setting stapling.

For now, I'm just using lp commands to print it, but can't get a staple setting that works. (i.e. lp -d bol -n 4 -o Staple=1 test.ps)

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