[cups.general] Enable remote printing from Windows Vista over Internet

vitaminx vitaminx at callistix.net
Sat Dec 26 16:34:38 PST 2009


I'm running a cups print server on Debian testing behind a router at home
and I'm looking for a way to enable printing over IPP from a Windows Vista
Desktop over Internet.

A telnet from my workplace gives me:

C:\>telnet myhost.mydomain.org 631
Connecting To myhost.mydomain.org...Could not open connection to the host,
on port 631: Connect failed

although my router forwards both TCP and UDP to my server.

On the print server itself the ports are open:

# lsof -i -n | grep cups
cupsd     25566      root    3u  IPv4 2562412      0t0  TCP *:ipp (LISTEN)
cupsd     25566      root    5u  IPv6 2562413      0t0  TCP *:ipp (LISTEN)
cupsd     25566      root    7u  IPv4 2562416      0t0  UDP *:ipp

# telnet localhost 631
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

Printing form the local subnet works fine with Linux & Mac clients, but I
want to find a way to access my printer at home from my workplace :)

I've attached the cupsd.conf

Many thanks,

irc ..... #callistix @ freenode
mail ..... vitaminx at callistix.net
www ..... http://www.callistix.net/
-------------- next part --------------
LogLevel warn
MaxLogSize 1m
SystemGroup lpadmin
# Allow remote access
Port 631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock
# Enable printer sharing and shared printers.
Browsing On
BrowseOrder allow,deny
BrowseAllow all
BrowseRemoteProtocols CUPS
BrowseAddress @LOCAL
BrowseLocalProtocols cups
DefaultAuthType Basic
<Location />
  AuthType Default
  Require user @SYSTEM
  # Allow shared printing and remote administration...
  Order allow,deny
  Allow all
<Location /admin>
  AuthType Default
  Require user @SYSTEM
  # Allow remote administration...
  Order allow,deny
  Allow all
<Location /admin/conf>
  AuthType Default
  Require user @SYSTEM
  # Allow remote access to the configuration files...
  Order allow,deny
  Allow all
<Policy default>
  <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscr>
    Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
    Order deny,allow
  <Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default CUPS-Get-Devices>
    AuthType Default
    Require user @SYSTEM
    Order deny,allow
  <Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New>
    AuthType Default
    Require user @SYSTEM
    Order deny,allow
  <Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
    Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
    Order deny,allow
  <Limit All>
    Order deny,allow
<Policy authenticated>
  <Limit Create-Job Print-Job Print-URI>
  AuthType Default
  Order deny,allow
  <Limit Send-Document Send-URI Hold-Job Release-Job Restart-Job Purge-Jobs Set-Job-Attributes Create-Job-Subscription Renew-Subscr>
AuthType Default
Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
Order deny,allow
  <Limit CUPS-Add-Modify-Printer CUPS-Delete-Printer CUPS-Add-Modify-Class CUPS-Delete-Class CUPS-Set-Default>
  AuthType Default
  Require user @SYSTEM
  Order deny,allow
  <Limit Pause-Printer Resume-Printer Enable-Printer Disable-Printer Pause-Printer-After-Current-Job Hold-New-Jobs Release-Held-New>
    AuthType Default
    Require user @SYSTEM
    Order deny,allow
  <Limit Cancel-Job CUPS-Authenticate-Job>
      AuthType Default
      Require user @OWNER @SYSTEM
      Order deny,allow
  <Limit All>
        Order deny,allow
            ServerAlias *
BrowseWebIF Yes

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