perl NET::Printer to cups-lpd on OS X gives not ready/ready

Johan Henselmans johan at
Tue Jun 2 08:37:51 PDT 2009

Setup: Mac OS X Server 10.5.7.latest updates

I have a raw printer interface to a USB connected printer (it has to be a raw interface because all kinds of reasons).

I connect to the printer via perl with the Net::Printer module.

A sample script:

use Net::Printer;

$lineprinter = new Net::Printer(filename    => "/tmp/ticket.txt",
printer     => "ticketprinter",server      => "localhost",port        => 515,
lineconvert => "YES");

$result = $lineprinter->printfile();

# Did I get an error?
$errstr = $lineprinter->printerror();
if ($errstr){
	print $errstr;
# Get Queue Status
@result = $lineprinter->queuestatus();

print @result;

This worked flawlessly under 10.4.x.

I am now testing the same setup under 10.5.x and I am getting errors:

This is what I am getting back from the script:

ERROR:Net::Printer[157]: Printer ticketprinter on localhost not ready!ticketprinter at localhost: ticketprinter is ready
ticketprinter at localhost: no entries

In the system log I see these errors:

org.cups.cups-lpd[2609]: launchproxy[2609]: /usr/libexec/cups/daemon/cups-lpd: Connection from: on port: 51469

I have tried another interface, via IPP, which works, but I am curious why this
will not work.

I had a look at /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.cups.cups-lpd.plist to have a look if that might be the problem, but I could not really understand why this would interfere:


Anybody any explanation why the lpd interface on a raw printerqueue is not working?

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