Error message client-error-not-found: Job #123 does not exist

Sebastian Lehmann murmeltier1001 at
Tue Jun 9 00:44:40 PDT 2009


i'm running cups on centos 5.2 with a Kyocera 920 printer. The Printer is connected over LAN. Printing goes well most time.

I get the following messages in cups/error_log:

cupsdReadClient: 15 POST /(printers/Kyo920 HTTP/1.1
cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
Get-Job-Attributes ipp://localhost/jobs/123
Get-Job-Attributes client-error-not-found: Auftrag #123 existiert nicht!
cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 15 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)

This messages are shown for some jobs. The jobs do not anymore exists, but how can i prevent cups to attempt to get the attributes from these jobs?
The messages are beeing shown every 20 Seconds or so. LogLevel is "debug"

Thank you for your suggestions. I have not found anything about this with google.


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