[cups.general] Howto print to a printer that needs authentication

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Fri Jun 12 02:34:18 PDT 2009


On Jun 11 09:29 Michael R Sweet wrote (shortened):

> Mark Veenstra wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am rearly new to CUPS and went through some documentation.
>> I want to print to a printer. Let's say the URL will be
>> http://www.minihouse.eu/printers/IBM InfoPrint 1130 Vracht/.printer
>> and the user credentials are:
>> USER: MHNL\MARK_Printer
>> PASS: testing123
> For this kind of configuration, include the user and password in the
> device URI:
> http://MHNL%5CMARK_Printer:testing123@www.minihouse.eu/printers/IBM%20InfoPrint%201130%20Vracht/.printer

I would like to request to enhance the URI examples
in the "Using Network Printers" documentation
regarding this by adding the following examples
in the "Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)" section:


Should I file an STR for this?

By the way:

According to the "Using Network Printers" documentation
and according to backend/lpd.c in the CUPS 1.3.9 sources
it seems for the lpd backend only a username but no
password is possible.

I wonder why the lpd backend does not also support

As far as I see the reason is that according to
RFC 1179 "Line printer daemon protocol" there is
no authentication at all in LPD - instead here the username
is only used to describe who has requested the print job.

Is this correct?

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany
AG Nuernberg, HRB 16746, GF: Markus Rex

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