BrowseTimeout and BrowsePoll. BrowseTimeout value IGNORED!

Jason Czerak jason at
Wed Dec 22 15:31:21 PST 2010

I've upgraded to 1.4.5.

Is BrowseTimeout ignored with BrowsePoll?  If I bump browseinterval up to 60, it complains in the logs about browsetimeout. appears to double browseinterval automaticly. This makes sense. if I set the values to 60 and 120, no logs about the mismatch.

But when I configured BrowseTimeout to something like 1200, it's ignored. after 2 BrowsePoll checks that fail, the queue disappears on the client.

My goal here is to ensure the local queue's do not delete and queue data if both CUPS servers drop off line for some reason. I'm looking to expend this timeout to maybe 24 hours or something.

I still want updates and changes to queue to be every 30 seconds or so.

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