lprm: The printer or class was not found.

Geoff Ransom geoffr at cs.umd.edu
Mon Feb 22 11:17:44 PST 2010

  We are running cups 1.4.1 on a RHEL 4 machine and are having problems
with Solaris clients talking to it.

  A> lpq -P ps3439
  ps3439 is not ready
  Rank    Owner   Job     File(s)                         Total Size
  1st     geoffr  20136   Acro000W6aWvB                   3169280 bytes
  A> lprm -P ps3439 20136
  lprm: The printer or class was not found.

Looking in the logs, I see...

  D [22/Feb/2010:14:06:39 -0500] Cancel-Job ipp://localhost:631/printers/20136

If I try to remove a non-existent job the line looks like...

  D [22/Feb/2010:14:03:50 -0500] Cancel-Job ipp://localhost/jobs/666666

Removing the Job from a linux machine works. Is anyone familiar with this
behavior and have ideas on what we have set up incorrectly? Barring that,
does anyone have any tips on how to track this problem down?

I see that 1.4.2 came out and will look into compiling and testing it, but
I don't see anything obvious in the CHANGES.txt file for this behavior and
if there is a quick fix for our currently installed version I would want to
get it in place now.


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