Handle authentication

Daniel Nicoletti dantti85-pk at yahoo.com.br
Thu Feb 4 10:57:30 PST 2010

I'm writing a GUI for cups (KDE4),
I used the cups API to get dests and jobs,
and my queue is working nicely, but
there is one thing that is not working well
it's authentication.
Even if i set the callback funcion if I try
to remove a job from another user or pause the
printer i get FORBIDEN 403, and the callback
function is not called.
I niticed that if I run this app and setUser("root")
it calls the callback and I can authenticate as root,
but this seems to be wrong since the prompt message
shows "password for root?", in linux this is not actually
a problem since root is root, but if my client.conf
points to a mac machine it's "Mac Admin" iirc.

To resume, what is the right way to do this?


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