Should the CUPS Raster output device ofGhostscript output compressed or uncompressed Raster data?

Heino Goldenstein heino.goldenstein at
Wed Jul 7 12:21:19 PDT 2010


On Jul 7 01:02 Johannes Meixner wrote:

> On Jul 6 09:57 Heino Goldenstein wrote (shortened):
> > For further information please see:
> >
> This means that the printer-specific data for an IDOL printer
> is really CUPS raster data.

Yes, that is right. Since IDOL-firmware version  >= 4.4.119
all our manufactured printers are capable to switch to the
cups-raster emulation. We implemented it according

> Because rastertoidol sends data out of the CUPS server,
> it acts as a backend on the CUPS server so that it belongs
> to rastertoidol to do whatever compression is best for its
> particular printer-specific data transfer.

rastertoidol is only there because at least one filter
is required for the ppd. The main function of it is the
line: cat "FILE".
The hole content is given in
If the printer is setup to start up with cups-raster
emulation at power on, you can send the printer
cups-raster data version 1, 2 or 3 from pstoraster,
pdftoraster, imagetoraster or cgpdftoraster
and it will be printed.
The IDOL emulation select commands in rastertoidol
are only there if the printer is not preset with
the cups-raster emulation selected.

> Perhaps the actual CUPS backend is not shown in
> Then rastertoidol acts as a driver for an IDOL printer.
> Then it also belongs to rastertoidol to do whatever
> compression is best for its particular printer-specific data
> which is finally transferred to the printer via an usual
> CUPS backend.

If cups-raster emulation is selected, cups-raster
version 2 is the preferred compression to select.

Kind Regards
Heino Goldenstein

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