online status with pjl

Michael Sweet msweet at
Fri Jul 23 08:16:52 PDT 2010

On Jul 23, 2010, at 2:26 AM, Sterck Serge wrote:
> I need to known the exact status (out of paper,tray missing etc..)of printer placed in a kiosk in real time.
> I have downloaded the hp backend and i saw
> that they use pjl to enable unsolicited status of device and job
> they start a thread that read this status and report this information back
> to cups.
> if i writen a new backend based on the usb backend must i use libusb or the traditionnal method to find the device looking at /dev/usb ?
> The status of the printer is reported in cups only during the print of a job . Is there a possibility to report this in real time.

What you'll need to do is have a background process that sends status updates to your application separately and a new backend that talks to this background process to send print data and report status.

Michael Sweet, Senior Printing System Engineer, PWG Chair

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