Adding Banners to Jobs via move_jobs function (scheduler/ipp.c)

James jamestgray85 at
Thu Jun 24 11:14:16 PDT 2010

I am in process of working with a solution that processes jobs by queuing all jobs that come in without a printer assignment, then letting the user choose their printer after-the-fact. This has created a couple of concerns in that several verifications that are done in scheduler/ipp.c:add_job() function don't get run and/or properly verified against.

I have solved most of these issues by copying code from add_job to move_job and changing the references to mean destination printer.

The problem I am still running into is that while I have been able to get it to add the Starting and Ending Banners to the document, it's appending both banners to the end. The desired affect would have been to have it put the Starting Banner at the front of the job.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to enforce placement of the starting banner to the beginning? The copy_banner function only seems to append, but it works fine in the normal 'add_job directly to printer' process, which I can't use. This is part of what has me confused.

If you would like some code examples of what I have done I can provide them.

I'm also presently limited to CUPS 1.3.9 and won't be able to upgrade to any newer version for about 6 months (decision is out of my hands).

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