parallel backend stalled

srussell at srussell at
Sat Mar 13 05:27:17 PST 2010


I'm trying CUPS on DragonFly BSD. When printing on a parallel port (/dev/lpt0), CUPS is stalled and the printing never comes out.

When I'm cancelling the job, it's cancelled normally, but the backend remains in memory. Everything seems to say that the backend can't communicate with de lpt device. With ps, I'm getting this:

root          24142  0.0  0.8  8608 4296  ??  SLs   8:09AM   0:06.16 /usr/pkg/sbin/cupsd -C /usr/pkg/etc/cups/cupsd.conf
lp            24148  0.0  2.6 30576 13208  ??  IL    8:09AM   0:00.48 /usr/pkg/bin/gs -dQUIET -dDEBUG -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sDEVI
lp            24149  0.0  1.5 12840 7916  ??  IL    8:09AM   0:00.49 impgal01 44 srussell Test Page 1 job-uuid=urn:uuid:990e542f-9a9c-3085-685e-b6b48c8afd36
lp            24150  0.0  0.5  6720 2388  ??  SL    8:09AM   0:00.01 parallel:/dev/lpt0 44 srussell Test Page 1 job-uuid=urn:uuid:990e542f-9a9c-3085-685e-b6

Some facts:
-The parallel port is functionnal with lpd
-lptest works with /dev/lpt0
-I'm getting no debug information

I'm supposing that the backend is stalled in a socket call in the file runloop.c, but I would need some hints on how to debug this program. I'm able to debug the parallel backend with a standalone execution, but I'n not sure that it's environment is the same as when it's called by cups.

Can anyone help me on that one?


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