Compile for 1.4.5 failing on Solaris 10 Update9w/recent critical patch update

John Adams jadams01 at
Tue Nov 23 11:25:34 PST 2010

After doing a little tweaking, we got down to three failed tests, all having to do with PDFs, which we can accept as we're just emulating line feed printers.

Here are the tweaks for those who might want them. All real basic stuff once you know where the pain points are:

I did this to ppdc/Makefile:

        #if diff -qr ppd ppd2; then \
        if diff -r ppd ppd2; then \

I've also done this to ./test/

#echo "    lpinfo -m | grep -q sample.drv"
#../systemv/lpinfo -m | grep -q sample.drv 2>&1
echo "    lpinfo -m | grep sample.drv"
../systemv/lpinfo -m | grep sample.drv 2>&1

And these two things to ./test/

#if grep -q CUPS-Get-Default /tmp/cups-$user/log/access_log; then
if grep CUPS-Get-Default /tmp/cups-$user/log/access_log; then

#if grep -iq 'testfile.pdf na_letter_8.5x11in' /tmp/cups-$user/log/page_log; then
if grep -i 'testfile.pdf na_letter_8.5x11in' /tmp/cups-$user/log/page_log; then

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