cups-1.4.3 && printing ISO-8859-1 text files

Matthias Apitz guru at
Fri Oct 15 00:45:42 PDT 2010


Using the above cups version 1.4.3 compiled from source I don't see how to
print ISO-8859-1 text files directly:

$ file /tmp/olis.txt
/tmp/olis.txt: ISO-8859 text
$ LANG=es_ES.ISO8859-1 lpr -Ppdf /tmp/olis.txt

starts the filter 'texttops' with CHARSET=utf-8 environment. I see no way to
change CHARSET to something else, i.e. this is the 1st question:

How I could influence CHARSET for the filter from the frontend command?

Even if I could set CHARSET to something else, a look into the source
filter/texttops.c shows that only utf-8 is really supported in 1.4.3. I
checked an older version (1.1.20) and there it seems was support for other

D [14/Oct/2010:12:02:19 +0200] StartJob:
D [14/Oct/2010:12:02:19 +0200] StartJob: envp[1]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1"
D [14/Oct/2010:12:02:19 +0200] StartJob: envp[2]="USER=root"
D [14/Oct/2010:12:02:19 +0200] StartJob: envp[3]="CHARSET=iso-8859-1"
D [14/Oct/2010:12:02:19 +0200] StartJob: envp[4]="LANG=en"
D [14/Oct/2010:12:02:19 +0200] StartJob: filter
= "/usr/lib/cups/filter/texttops"

How this is supposed to work now in 1.4.3?

Thanks in advance


Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <guru at> - w

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