Getting Options to Pass to a Script Based Filter

Paul pconklin at
Wed Oct 20 13:08:04 PDT 2010

So thanks to my last post, I at least have my script based filter working.  on to step 2.  Ideally to keep from making hundreds of PPD's and filters, I wanted to create options in my PPD so I can make my script flex based on what was chosen.  Example:

*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *MOUNTFORM
*DefaultMOUNTFORM: Normal

That was my first pass at just inserting zpl into the job (which is not what I'm ultimately trying to do.  Ideally I just want to pass what they selected to my script (perhaps in $5?) and I can do my ksh magic based off that (like inserting those special ascii values).  If anyone can provide advice or point me to a doc, it would be much appriceated.  Ideally I want to do something like

*OrderDependency: 10 AnySetup *MOUNTFORM
*DefaultMOUNTFORM: Normal

Then I can parse through what options they selected (moving to a PickMany, but for now using PickOne to get started)

Thanks in advance.

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