ldapadmin Bad device-uri problem

Oguz Yarimtepe oguzyarimtepe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 01:31:43 PDT 2011


I am trying to change the DeviceURI of my printer. Below is the command:

# lpadmin -p test_printer -v cupspykota://socket://myprinter.example.com:9100

lpadmin: Bad device-uri "cupspykota://socket://myprinter.example.com:9100"!

When i edited the printers.conf file manually and add the cupspykota://, it works.

These commands are also working:

# lpadmin -p test_printer -v socket://myprinter.example.com:9100
# lpadmin -p test_printer -v cupspykota://myprinter.example.com:9100

How can i add the new backend to the socket prefix without manually editing?

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