[cups.development] Filters and rotation

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Fri Apr 1 06:34:01 PDT 2011


On Apr 1 10:53 Tim Waugh wrote (excerpt):
> What's going wrong (I think) in the tests I'm seeing is that the
> PostScript output is "portrait" output for landscape-sized media:
> %%Page: 1 1
> %%PageBoundingBox: 0 0 842 595
> %%BeginPageSetup
> %%PageOrientation: Portrait
> (there is no setpagedevice command).  So when foomatic-rip generates
> raster output is does it line-by-line starting from a long edge, rather
> than from a short edge.

As far as I know foomatic-rip does not at all generate raster output.
It only builds a command line call for Ghostscript according to
the values for the "FoomaticRIP" keywords from the PPD file
and then it calls Ghostscript to generate the raster output.

But as far as I know Ghostscript ignores DSC comments so that
Ghostscript's raster output only depends on the actual PostScript.

If you can get the actual PostScript which Ghostscript gets as input
as a file (e.g. gs-input.ps) run Ghostscript with its "bbox" device
(e.g. "gs -sDEVICE=bbox gs-input.ps") to get the actual PostScript
bounding box values which show if the actual PostScript has
landscape dimensions (i.e. if it is wider than high).

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany
AG Nuernberg, HRB 16746, GF: Markus Rex

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