waitjob, waitprinter

Steve Bergman sbergman27 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 23:17:53 PDT 2011

I'm not sure I understand the difference between waitjob and waitprinter. I want the user on the local machine to be able to cancel the job through the Gnome printer applet on the local machine all the way up to the time that the printer on the remote server finishes printing the job. However, I don't want new jobs to wait until the remote printer is finished printing before getting sent. Would waitjob=true&waitprinter=false do what I want?

The jobs get sent IPP from CUPS on the local machine to a remote CUPS print server, which then sends them IPP to LaserJet P3005n printers. So I'd put waitjob=true&waitprinter=false on both CUPS servers. Of course, I'm making the (untested) assumption that IPP on the LaserJets supports remote cancellation.

-Steve Bergman

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