[cups.general] local printer and client.conf

Johannes Meixner jsmeix at suse.de
Wed Feb 2 02:58:18 PST 2011


On Feb 2 01:36 Ivan Degtyarenko wrote (shortened):
> What I meant by "... one has to separately configure every
> machine with the local printer connected" is that in addition
> to locally configured USB, I can't say to CUPS "pick up the
> rest from the remote server" but I will have to configure
> all the other network printers around our office by hand
> specifically for this machine with the local USB printer

I don't think so.

The default CUPS browsing on the machine with the local USB printer
would pick up print queue information which is sent by the remote
server - provided the remote server publishes its print queues.

If the remote server does not publish its print queues, a
   BrowsePoll IP.of.the.server
entry in cupsd.conf on the machine with the local USB printer
would actively query the remote server for its print queues
provided the remote server allows access by the client.

If you set up the remote server to publish its print queues,
you should not need to change cupsd.conf on the machine with
the local USB printer because the default cupsd.conf should
accept all incomming print queue information which is sent
by any remote servers.

Use the default CUPS browsing in your network (i.e. use the
default cupsd.conf on the clients and let the remote server
publish its print queues) and on the machines with local
USB printers you need to set up only the local USB printer.

But if you have special restrictions for your network
(e.g. whatever company policy) why you cannot use CUPS browsing,
you cannot get its advantage that you do not need to set up
anything regarding "printing via network" on the clients, see

Kind Regards
Johannes Meixner
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany
AG Nuernberg, HRB 16746, GF: Markus Rex

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