local printer and client.conf

Ivan Degtyarenko ivan.degtyarenko at aalto.fi
Mon Feb 7 01:40:37 PST 2011

> Hello,
> On Feb 2 07:48 Ivan Degtyarenko wrote initially (shortened):
> > Background: on our Linux stations ... all the jobs go through
> > the remote server. But also have a few workers with their
> > own USB connected printers. Though we still would like
> > to provide them with the access to the central ones
> > through the remote server.
> If I understand this correctly, you do not like that
> the USB connected printers are accessible from other workers
> i.e. from workers where the USB printer is not connected.
> In this case you should neither publish the USB printer queue
> via "BrowseAddress @LOCAL" nor should you allow access
> via "Allow from @LOCAL" in cupsd.conf on the worker
> where the USB printer is connected.
> If your remote server broadcasts its print queues via
> "BrowseAddress @LOCAL" in cupsd.conf on the remote server,
> then you do not need to actively query the remote server
> for its queues via "BrowsePoll remote.CUPS.server.IP:631"
> in cupsd.conf on the workers.
> If your remote server broadcasts its queues and you only want
> to accept the broadcasted queue information from this server,
> you should have "BrowseAllow from remote.CUPS.server.IP"
> in cupsd.conf on the workers.

The final cupsd.conf on a workstation I ended up with was:

# Only listen for connections from the local machine.
Listen localhost:631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock

# Do not show any local printer on the local network.
Browsing On
BrowseOrder deny,allow
# probably neither BrowseAllow nor BrowseDeny are needed
# but let them be here to make it clear
BrowseAllow from none
BrowseDeny from all

# Pick up the printers info from remote CUPS server
BrowsePoll remote_server:631
BrowseInterval 600 # update every 10 minutes
BrowseTimeout 1200 # timeout for printer information


Works for us. Hopefully for a better.

YT, Ivan

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