Likewise Open + CUPS, Add IPP print queue to a Windows 2008 Server

Robert Beaty beatyrm at
Fri Feb 11 12:56:38 PST 2011

Linux server - Running Ubuntu 10.04.1, Likewise Open 6, CUPS 1.4.3
Windows 2008 r2 server

I have cups configured for Negotiate auth and that appears to be working correctly. I can log into the cups web interface on a Linux box with a kerberos ticket correctly. I can also manually add printers via IPP in both windows XP and windows 7 using kerberos tickets(machines are members of the domain).

What I would like to do is add the printers to the server 2008 machine to deploy to the domain from there. The problem is when I add the printer and put in the usual http://cups-ip:631/printers/printername and click next windows gives me an access denied message.

The cups error log show this.

D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdAcceptClient: 13 from (IPv4)
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdReadClient: 13 POST /printers/pkh124-5200-2 HTTP/1.1
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdIsAuthorized: username=""
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdSendHeader: 13 WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdCloseClient: 13
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdAcceptClient: 13 from (IPv4)
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdReadClient: 13 POST /printers/testprinter HTTP/1.1
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdSetBusyState: Active clients
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdAuthorize: No delegated credentials!
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdAuthorize: Authorized as BEATYRM at AUBURN.EDU using Negotiate
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdIsAuthorized: username="BEATYRM at AUBURN.EDU"
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdReadClient: 13 1.0 Get-Printer-Attributes 11
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] Get-Printer-Attributes
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Printer-Attributes ( from
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdSendHeader: WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate oYGyMIGvoAMKAQChCwYJKoZIgvcSAQICooGaBIGXYIGUBgkqhkiG9xIBAgICAG+BhDCBgaADAgEFoQMCAQ+idTBzoAMCAReibARqV2zGxQ1njzTtanp8qppgOZriHpg85Gpxm4J904yZcxaWYNx3ixZ/W0Dmm9QHh8G4tAAHO+pPVwa7P6qo3dyI6n2HevMrC3b+fSJHQ5bDw7njpgdr5pK2vS+17TAfg6gpt8AZCnGeBNrIp
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdReadClient: 13 WAITING Closing on EOF
D [11/Feb/2011:14:52:39 -0600] cupsdCloseClient: 13

This appears to be working correctly. The windows server get passes my ticket and cups authorizes my user with Negotiate as expected. However, windows always says access denied and won't continue to install the printer. Any thoughts?


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