Does lpd have to be running?

Ron Wingfield Ron.Wingfield at
Mon Feb 21 11:59:53 PST 2011

> > I'm new to CUPS and confused.  CUPS is a spooling system, as is the LPD.  I've read questions that suggest that LPD might not be used in favor of CUPS; however, the CUPS documentation regarding command line printing references the lp and lpr commands.  If I shutdown the LPD, then lp and lpr do not work, and diagnostic messages suggest that I check to assure that the main LPD is running.
> >
> > If I start the LPD, then (apparently) lp and lpr route the print request through the LPD's spooler, rather than CUPS.  I just don't understand how to submit a print job via CUSP from the command line.  How is CUPS configured to route an lp or lpr submission through its spooler?
> >
> > Also, I do not find a "default" /usr/local/etc/cups/lpoptions file.  Is this something that I need to manually create, or does the CUPS web client administration create the file?
> You need to use the versions of lp and lpr that are distributed with CUPS, rather than the default ones.
> Are you on Solaris, Linux or some other Unix Variant?

I just received that nuance last evening (via my FreeBSD Forum thread:  No where in the (various sources of) documentation have I read of the fact that the lpd's version of lp and lpr are found in /usr/bin, and CUPS has its own in /usr/local/bin.  It's rather idiocyntirc for CUPS to assume that their versions of the commands will be the only ones in the $PATH.  Nowhere have I read anything like, ". . .oh by the way, if the Berkeley lpd is installed and/or loaded, then you need to be aware that CUPS installs its own version in /usr/local/bin."

This also answers the question that CUPS and LPD can coexist on the same machine.

Ron W.

I'm running FreeBSD v7.2, and the lpd is part of the base OS installation.

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