CUPS Hosted Printer - Load Printer Settings per BATCH File

Stefan stagethen at
Tue Jan 4 06:49:29 PST 2011

Hey Everyone,

since a half year i am using CUPS for my small office - with 4 employees and 6 different printers, every printer got user defined settings, which are very important to print out correctly.

By every logon - a batch file is started and all the cups printers are connected by batch - raw printing, cups does not any converting.

My Problem is to restore the Settings by Batch on a Windows Machine...:

COMMAND like this (or with flags 2,7,m,p..)
F:\Drucker\Develop>rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "\\\DevelopIneo220+" /a "ineostandard.dat"

ends up with a german notification "Der Vorgang konnte nicht abgeschlossen werden" - should be in english somethink like "The action can not be finished" (or something like this)

I am trying this the second day - and i am near to get my foot in windows *** ....

What am i doing wrong??

As expected - the WinLogs dont show anything about the warning (error) - cups error log oder access log only logs the GET of printer info - with success.

I would be very happy if someone could help me!

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