RTF printing?

Helge Blischke h.blischke at acm.org
Fri Jan 21 07:13:26 PST 2011

Niels S. Eliasen wrote:

> hi guys
> I am having the bizarre problem that printing a RTF file leads to
> all the escape-codes etc etc gets printed... But I would just like
> the "nicely" formatted RTF file to be printed....
> Is there a rtf2whatever filter?? or do I need to muck about with
> the mime.types ??
> tia

A simpler and, as for the results, much better approach:

(1) get the filter officetops from the links at www.cups.org
    and install it according to the documentation (unless it is already
    part of your CUPS installation).
(2) add

text/rtf	rtf string(0,"{\rtf")

   to any of your xxx.types file


text/rtf	application/postscript	50	officetops

   to any of your xxx.convs file.

OpenOffice will render rtf documents a lot better than any other solution
I've come about since ma last post.


P.S.: This son't work on MacOS X 10.5 or higher with the precompiled binary
of OOo, as this does not provide configuring a "default printer" aside from the 
built-in CUPS interface.

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