Preserving printjobs during CUPS upgrade

Paul paul.conklin at
Tue May 24 13:00:18 PDT 2011

I'm having intermittant luck during upgrades of CUPS preserving print jobs during a 1.3.7 to 1.3.11 CUPS upgrade.  Can anyone suggest a better way to go about this so queued up jobs will not dissappear?  When they do, the c* files go away but the d* remain.

mkdir /cups-1.3.11
tar -xvf cups-1.3.11.tar -C /cups-1.3.11
service cups stop
mkdir /cupsbkup
cp /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /cupsbkup/cupsd.conf
cp /etc/cups/printers.conf /cupsbkup/printers.conf
cp /var/cache/cups/job.cache /cupsbkup/job.cache
cd /cups-1.3.11
rpm -U *.rpm
service cups stop
#compare /cupsbkup to /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
diff /etc/cups/cupsd.conf /cupsbkup/cupsd.conf

diff /etc/cups/printers.conf /cupsbkup/printers.conf
#These lines are OK
#< # Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.3.11
#< # Written by cupsd on 2011-05-24 11:13
#> # Printer configuration file for CUPS v1.3.7
#> # Written by cupsd on 2011-05-24 11:02

#If printers.conf is not there, move it in from your backup

Service cups start

rpm -qa | grep cups | grep -v 1.3.11
#Nothing should return that starts with cups-

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