Zebra Kiosk printer Kr203

Ravshan cherylh242 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 3 08:51:03 PDT 2011

I'm trying to work with a zebra's KR203 kiosk printer. I downloaded the zebra cups driver (V2) from cups's page http://www.cups.org/strfiles/3767/zebraCupsDrivers_v2.zip and I downloaded cups 1.5 source. I compile it, following this page: http://archnemesis.co.uk/linux/cups/compiling-cups-zebra-ttp-support.

Cups works fine and I can install the printer. Additionally to instructions I pasted the ppd files of driver in /usr/share/ppd/zebra

Cups detect if I disconnect the printer or if it is connected.

The problem is that if I print something The printer status is "printing page1, 24% complete" And always stop in 24%

I checked the ppd file in cups's testppd page. I found many "Fail" messages that I tried to fix. Now I only receive a one fail that I assume that is normal.

Test Results for 'KR203.ppd'

KR203.ppd: FAIL
**FAIL** Missing cupsFilter file "rastertozebrakiosk"
WARN Non-standard size name "p800x150"!
REF: Page 187, section B.2.
WARN Non-standard size name "p800x250"!
REF: Page 187, section B.2.
WARN Non-standard size name "p800x400"!
REF: Page 187, section B.2.
WARN Non-standard size name "p825x127"!
REF: Page 187, section B.2.
WARN Non-standard size name "p825x250"!
REF: Page 187, section B.2.
WARN Non-standard size name "p825x400"!
REF: Page 187, section B.2.
WARN Non-standard size name "p600x400"!
REF: Page 187, section B.2.
WARN Non-standard size name "p580x400"!
REF: Page 187, section B.2.
WARN DefaultBitsPerPixel has no corresponding options!
WARN Eject shares a common prefix with EjectOptions
REF: Page 15, section 3.2.

rasterzebrakiosk was compiled and it is installed in /usr/lib/cups/filter

I repeat this process using Debian(sid) source or zebra cups driver v1 but I get always the same result.

I'm using Debian 6 x386 machine with cups 1.5 (the lastest version).

I don't have more ideas about how get it works. Could you help me??

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